Helen B. Marrow

Helen B. Marrow

PhD in Sociology and Social Policy, 2007.
Associate Professor of Sociology, Tufts University.
Helen B. Marrow

Robert Wood Johnson Postdoctoral Scholar in Health Policy, University of California, Berkeley, 2008-2010.

Winner of the Lillian and Joseph Leibner Award for Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring, Tufts University, 2019.

New Destination DreamingNew Destination Dreaming: Immigration, Race, and Legal Status in the Rural American South draws on 129 in-depth interviews and a year of participant observation to understand how Hispanic/Latino newcomers are being incorporated into or excluded from economic, social, institutional, and political life in new immigrant destinations of the rural U.S. South. Stanford University Press, 2011.

Winner of the Distinguished Contribution to Research Article Award, American Sociological Association Latino/a Sociology Section, 2011.

Winner of the 2008 American Sociological Association Dissertation Award for best dissertation submitted in the previous calendar year for her dissertation, "Southern Becoming: Immigrant Incorporation and Race Relations in the Rural and Small-Town U.S. South."


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